29/04/23 - StyxQuest v1.3 - A Special Presentation
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Ideally I wanted to post this after I had finished work on sprucing up Mephitropolis, but the end of the month is near and I'm only halfway done with the map designs. I'll show them off in the next devlog; for now I present to you the final area of the game!

The Portal (Right-click to view full size)
Left - The original Portal Room.
Right - The new version of the Portal Room. I likd the shape of the room and the way the pillars rose up, but it definitely needed polishing. The pillars now look more vein-like and the hallway is longer in order to build up the suspense. A definite success.
And that's it.
Oh wait, here's something special I made!
I was given the chance to show my game off at WissahickCon on 29th April - as well as give away stickers. A massive thank you to the Leland Society!
List of things to work on:
- Double-check Sanguine Shores South and North mapping (I'm officially moving this to low priority)
- Add more enemies to Sanguine Shores maps (Also low priority)
- Finish remaking Mephitropolis
- Remake battle screen backgrounds for remade areas