8/6/23 - StyxQuest v1.3 - Storyboards
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I've taken a break from working on StyxQuest due to preparing for a trip. While Mephitropolis is still incomplete, there is one thing I have been focusing on: storyboarding. A good chunk of the cutscenes need to be reworked and I thought it would be ideal to get it out of the way during the break.

(Right-click to view full size)
In descending order - A new game over cutscene, remade intro, new exposition cutscene, a new ending, remade Belphegor death scene, reemade Beelzebub death scene, remade Vole death scene, remade Lucifer death scene.
There's still one more cutscene to remake.
I'll be away for 10 days on a trip to make some connections with companies that may be interested in taking me on as an animator or storyboard artist. There's a chance I might come back with a job and it'll slow development down, but I will make sure that StyxQuest 1.3 gets released before next year.
List of things to work on:
- Double-check Sanguine Shores South and North mapping (I'm officially moving this to low priority)
- Add more enemies to Sanguine Shores maps (Also low priority)
- Finish remaking Mephitropolis
- Remake battle screen backgrounds for remade areas